[DCom] NeuMorph

[DCom] NeuMorph [Paid]

No permission to buy ($30.00)
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I'm really interested in buying this! Does it come complete with parent and child styles? I always have issues with that. So I import the parent style, then the child, then edit the child? And then I can "upgrade" without loosing my changes?

Two parent styles (light and dark) are supplied. You set both styles as parent styles, and then create children from them and you can make edits to them. And you will already update the parent ones when new versions are released.
@DimmmCom I'm having an interesting issue. One of my members recently sent me a "style.xml" file he said to "look at". I did, and appears to be an older version of [DCom] NeuMorph. It's really cool, and I've made a lot of edits to it.

So when I buy the newest version next month, how do I migrate my changes, but still get the new version (which appears to have a lot of fixes)?

I'm using XF 2.2.12.

@DimmmCom I'm having an interesting issue. One of my members recently sent me a "style.xml" file he said to "look at". I did, and appears to be an older version of [DCom] NeuMorph. It's really cool, and I've made a lot of edits to it.

So when I buy the newest version next month, how do I migrate my changes, but still get the new version (which appears to have a lot of fixes)?

I'm using XF 2.2.12.

Well, as if at the moment you are violating the license agreement. You are using my style without purchasing a license. The Xenforo.com license agreement also prohibits the use of unlicensed software.
You may not use the Software in conjunction with any other software you do not have a valid license to use.
Therefore, for further support and assistance, purchase a style license.
Well, as if at the moment you are violating the license agreement. You are using my style without purchasing a license. The Xenforo.com license agreement also prohibits the use of unlicensed software.

Therefore, for further support and assistance, purchase a style license.
My apologies. The person that sent me the file did not make that clear.

I will be purchasing the style at the end of this month.
I get this when things open close to the logo, such as the mod panel, and sometimes with a user tooltip overlay! Is there a code fix? I'm still using the older version of the theme since I wanted to preserve my edits. Thanks!


I get this when things open close to the logo, such as the mod panel, and sometimes with a user tooltip overlay! Is there a code fix? I'm still using the older version of the theme since I wanted to preserve my edits. Thanks!

View attachment 672

I see that the logo is flush with the menu (Home, Media Home). This is expected behavior. If you do not want the logo and menu to be fixed at the top of the screen, then change the floating navigation type /style-properties/group&group=headerNav
I tested it with a non-Admin user who doesn't have the Mod dropdown above the logo, and it works perfectly.

Thank you very much!!
All styles and plugins will be updated to the latest version of Xenforo at the end of August when I return to work.
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