[DCom] NeuMorph

[DCom] NeuMorph [Paid]

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Please make a screenshot of the page where you think something is displayed incorrectly. And a screenshot of the same page with the default style, so that I understand what you are talking about.
My color from Banner "Spirit Junkie" is not more dark blue in your theme.....
.developerBanner3 is not a standard Xenforo banner. If you added the property of this banner to the extra.less of the default style, you need to transfer these properties to the extra.less file of my style as well.
Should I something do for update?
Perform the actions as with any style. Update with overwrite.
Quick guide for working with Xenforo styles.
1. Installing a style.
2. Create a child style from it.
3. Make the child style available to users.
4. Make all personal edits in the child style.
5. When a style update is released, you update only the parent style. The child style will automatically inherit all the corrections.

Screenshot 2024-12-25 at 23-57-16 Styles Development environment (license for xendev.ru) - Adm...png
But I can t set NeuMorph child for NeuMorph paretn, only for Default Style.
I recommend putting in a test installation of Xenforo and exploring the Xenforo control panel. I just don't have much time, unfortunately, to explain the basics.
The child style should not be installed, but created by specifying Neumorph as the parent.
Without this file, the style will not be displayed. But as I see on the forum it works. Therefore, there may be many reasons. Perhaps you have written the call of this template in another style in the file extra.less. Check the template extra.less in other styles.
Also I see that users have parent styles available for selection. You need to give access to child styles only. Parent styles should only be available to admin in admin panel.
Screenshot 2024-12-26 at 20-03-59 Styles Development environment (license for xendev.ru) - Adm...png