[DCom] Auto Merge Double Post

[DCom] Auto Merge Double Post 2.3.1

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[DCom] Auto Merge Double Post - Automatically merge posts

License: XF2-AutoMergeDoublePost/LICENSE.md at master · ThemeHouse-XF/XF2-AutoMergeDoublePost

Auto Merge Double Posts
Automatically merge posts from people that haven't yet understood what this dubious edit function is.

Features include:

  • Permission-controlled automated double post merger.
Originally coded by...

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Suggestion: The add-on's JS files should not be loaded for Guest users.
The JS of the plugin is an extension of the message.js object, respectively, it is loaded where it is allowed to load message.js
But guests can't usually post, right?
So no post needs to be merged?

I modified it to be like this:
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
    <xf:js src="DCom/AutoMergeDoublePost/message_merge.js" min="1"/>
But guests can't usually post, right?
So no post needs to be merged?

I modified it to be like this:
<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id">
    <xf:js src="DCom/AutoMergeDoublePost/message_merge.js" min="1"/>
Guests can post messages if they are allowed by group permissions
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There's a bug with the latest version; it doesn't work when a thread has more than 1 page and you're posting a reply on the first page (not the last page).