- Fixed a bug with access to product distribution when payment is made in manual mode.
- Added display of contribution for reserve list
- Minimum version of Xenforo 2.3
- Some of the global settings have been moved to the joint purchase options
- Added the option to set a start date for collection of money
- Added total statistics for organizers
- Filters updated
- Code refactoring
- Added a setting that allows you to leave a joint purchase at the participant enrollment stage ignoring global permissions
- Fixed an error occurring when changing the stage, when the organizer is not allowed to change the settings of the joint purchase after moving to the payment stage
Bug fixes
- [DCom] Joint Purchases [Paid]
- [DCom] Joint Purchases [Paid]
- [DCom] Joint Purchases [Paid]
- The set values were not saved when editing a purchase
- Unregistered user can edit the thread of joint purchase
- When uninstalling the plugin, all plugin tables were not deleted
- Fixed a bug with organizer's rights to edit a thread
- Fixed purchase stage toggle by cron
- Disabling automatic transition to the payment stage when the minimum payment is reached
- Option to notify users when they manually switch to the payment stage
- Split payment and payment of its parts by different payment profiles
- Refund of payment before distribution (conversion to credits is available)
- Added review and rating system
- Improved integration with Credits (payment, conversion, refund, withdrawal request)
- Payment immediately after recording
- Added user criteria to upgrade user groups
- Requirement to accept the terms and conditions before recording
- Automatic prefix switching when changing the purchase stage (Multiprefix support)
- Anonymous participation
- Fixed all bugs found
- Added the right of the organizer to change the payment stamp of participants
- Added a setting where you can specify a group of users with access to conversations with distributions of purchases (to resolve controversial issues, proceedings, etc.)
- Added a setting to prohibit organizers from editing a purchase after moving to the payment stage
- Fixed a bug where the progress bar at the stage of distribution and payment with the ability to write to the reserve at these stages went to a position greater than 100%
- Fixed a bug where the organizer's fee percentage could not be specified as less than 1
- Added a setting for selecting items to show in the estimate
- Added an option to hide the reserve list after entering the distribution stage
- Added the ability to specify an additional percentage of the contribution for latecomers (those who sign up at the stage of payment and distribution)
- And other fixes that I don't remember
- В админ панели добавлена статистика по сметам и выплатам.
- Личный кабинет совместных покупок, как для участников покупок, так и для организаторов.
- Отчёты по сметам, заработкам организатора и форума.
- Создание запросов на вывод средств.
- Фильтры покупок по разным критериям при просмотре форума.
- Рефакторинг кода и прочие мелочи, которые не запомнил.