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[DCom] Live Content DimmmCom
  • Featured
[DCom] Live Content 3.1.3 $30.00
Real-time communication
[DCom] First Message Contact DimmmCom
Добавление контактов в первый пост темы из дополнительных полей автора
[DCom] New Year Countdown DimmmCom
Widget with a countdown timer to the New Year
[DCom] Manticore Search Engine DimmmCom
  • Featured
Manticore search engine integration
[DCom] Auto Merge Double Post DimmmCom
Automatically merge posts
[DCom] Poll Extends DimmmCom
[DCom] Poll Extends 1.2.0 $6.00
Extending the functionality of standard polls
[DCom] Quote Edit Ban DimmmCom
[DCom] Quote Edit Ban 1.2.0 $10.00
Prohibition to change the quoted text.
[DCom] Bastyon Media DimmmCom
Embed videos from Bastyon.com
[DCom] Lolz Like DimmmCom
[DCom] Lolz Like 1.3.1 $10.00
Replacing reactions with likes
[DCom] Paid Subscription DimmmCom
Paid subscriptions to view topics based on prefixes
[DCom] Payment 2Checkout DimmmCom
Payment profile 2Checkout(Verifone)
[DCom] Payment YooMoney DimmmCom
Платёжный профиль юMoney
[DCom] PayOK DimmmCom
[DCom] PayOK 1.0.0 $8.00
Payment profile PayOK.io
[DCom] AdminCP Style DimmmCom
Оформление панели управления в тёмных тонах.