[DCom] New Year Countdown

[DCom] New Year Countdown 1.2.5

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I love this addon but there is 10 days till Christmas it says 9 days. Christmas falls on the 25th not the 24th is there a way I can change this?
I love this addon but there is 10 days till Christmas it says 9 days. Christmas falls on the 25th not the 24th is there a way I can change this?
))Christmas begins on the night of December 24th through the 25th.
I think it depends on where you come from, including here on the 24th of Christmas
I don't feel like doing a data transfer to a script, not enough time to do it. I still haven't figured out where in the world Christmas is celebrated on December 24))) Christmas Eve, yes, December 24. I haven't found information about any country on planet Earth where Christmas is celebrated on December 24))))
yes I know and I feel your pain but I think there is 9 days left till the 25th not 8 but this will do for now maybe update for next year.


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yes I know and I feel your pain but I think there is 9 days left till the 25th not 8 but this will do for now maybe update for next year.
I was just throwing links to the world's Christmas countdown counters.) December 25th begins at 00 hours, 00 minutes, 01 seconds. The night of December 24th through December 25th. There are 9 not full days left. All countdown counters are based exactly on the beginning of the desired day, which is 00:00:01 on December 25.
yes I know and I feel your pain but I think there is 9 days left till the 25th not 8 but this will do for now maybe update for next year.
It surprises me that you don't see that.)) Show me one counter before Christmas, where in the positions of the days, will stand 9.
Yes, in simple terms it is 9 days, but not a full 9 days.